Has it ever happened that you woke up and felt numbness or tingling sensations in your hands? If the answer is yes, you are not alone.
The good thing is that this sensation, that feels like pins-and-needles isn’t dangerous all by itself.
As per the Mayo Clinic, “Numbness alone isn’t usually associated with potentially dangerous disorders, such as strokes or tumors.”
What’s most, numbness or tingling sensations in your hands can be easy to overcome.

Further, the tingly sensation may appear because of repetitive movements with the hands and the fingers such as using tools, typing, or writing. These repetitive movements can lead to compression of the nerves over time, and an example of that is the condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome, a common condition affecting the median nerve in the wrist.

“If the condition persists, it can cause permanent nerve damage. Sometimes surgery is necessary to relieve the pressure,” as per Healthline.
The numbness or tingling sensations in your hands and feet can also be a result of vitamin B12 deficiency, common at vegans and vegetarians.
This vitamins is found in eggs, meat, dairy, and fortified cereals, but it also comes in the form of supplements.

When calcium, potassium, or sodium levels drop in the body, it can disrupt nerve signals, causing tingling sensations. This is often due to dehydration, specific medications, or underlying health issues.
To avoid this, maintain balance by staying hydrated, consume nutrient-rich foods, and seek medical advice if the symptoms continue.

Peripheral nerves can be damaged at people with long-term high blood sugar, leading to diabetic neuropathy. This condition is also connected with numbness, tingling, or even burning sensations in the hands and feet.
Nerves can get compressed because of a herniated disc or neck spondylosis, too.
Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and poor circulation can also cause the sensation of numbness and tingling, as well as non-cancerous growths like ganglion cysts and certain infections.

Although hand numbness can often be caused by something not harmful, if it persists, require medical attention.
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